淘宝wolf eyes band(wolf eyes)

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2008年,Roth Bart Baron成立于日本东京。据主唱/吉他手三船解释,Roth Bart Baron取名来源于他小时候曾经在学校出演过柴可夫斯基的经典歌剧《天鹅湖》,而他所扮演的正是剧中唯一的反派角色Roth Bart男爵,而Roth Bart Baron是Lot Baltic Baron的谐音。

Roth Bart Baron 2016中国巡演日程




早鸟:120 RMB

预售:150 RMB

现场:180 RMB


6月19日(周日)北京@ModernskyLab 晚8:30






Roth Bart Baron 2016中国巡演 上海北京站 门票各3张



1. 点击阅读原文并上传本文任意截图,我们将抽出6名幸运读者每人送出Roth Bart Baron 2016中国巡演上海站或北京站 门票一张,共6张。

2. 本活动参与截止日期为2016年6月13日。


主唱三船和鼓手中原结识于他们的高中阶段,那时候他们是一对优秀的网球双打选手。在结成的前两年,乐队几乎很少演出,大部分的时间都是在排练室度过的,直至2010年,他们独立发行了第一张同名EP《Roth Bart Baron》,并开始在东京演出。


两年之后,Roth Bart Baron发行了他们签约独立厂牌前最为著名的一张EP《化け物山と合唱団》,EP中的全部5首歌曲直到现在都被日本乐迷喜爱,成为乐队在很多演出中的保留曲目。同时,Roth Bart Baron得到了日本两大独立唱片店DiskUnion和JET set的巨大关注和支持,并开始受到海外关注,并正式签约日本著名独立厂牌Felicity。


同样是经历了两年的时间后,Roth Bart Baron决定录制一张录音室全长专辑,在美国费城他们跟著名制作人Brian McTear(KurtVile,The War On Drugs的制作人)和音响师JonathanLow(合作艺人包括The National,SufjanStevens,Marissa Nadler等)完成了首张专辑《TheIce Age冰河期》,并在日本引起了巨大反响,被日本著名杂志The Sign Magazine和日本音乐网站Ki-fi选入年度最佳五十张专辑。

随后乐队举行了首次美国巡演,常被当地歌迷和媒体用来跟Fleet Foxes和GrizzlyBear比较。因为首张专辑的巨大成功,Roth Bart Baron获得了日本著名音乐节SummerSonic的邀约,完成了在日本本土户外大舞台的完美首秀。又因为形象突出,他们获得了潮流类媒体的关注,Roth Bart Baron时常也会出现于一些偏潮流类的杂志。

在第一张专辑发行后,Roth Bart Baron被日本媒体看做将是日本未来最好的乐队之一。仍然选择了在海外完成第二张专辑。2015年中期乐队再次进入录音室,这一次他们选择了位于加拿大蒙特利尔的Hotel2Tango Studio录制,因为其古典的巴洛克式装修,以及一直是著名实验后摇乐队Godspeed You! Black Emperor的御用录音室而闻名,并同时被许多著名乐队选用,比如Arcade Fire,WolfParade,A Silver Mt. Zion,BritishSea Power。

这张被Roth Bart Baron取名为《ATOM》的新专辑,被乐队写成了一张概念专辑。87年出生的主唱三船年少时代曾经是科幻电影迷,并一直受它们影响至今,后来大学主修电影专业也跟他热爱科幻电影有关。这张概念专辑所传达的正是三船的这种科幻热爱遭遇当代的科技时代所产生的困惑。


专辑的所有弦乐都来自于著名小提琴手Jessica Moss,她同时也是Thee SilverMt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band的首席提琴。专辑的所有构成都充满了极强的美感,也可能是沾染了蒙特利尔的忧郁氛围,专辑发行后被英文媒体评价为蒙特利尔式的日本独立Art-Rock乐队,并把他们跟BonIver做比较,2016年2月,受邀日本国家电视台NHK做电视现场表演。


RothBart Baron的现场表演往往充满了奇幻的色彩,并因为使用的乐器繁多(除了吉他和爵士鼓外,还有曼陀铃,斑鸠琴,钢琴,日本太鼓,法国圆号,长笛等)从而会制造出在很多传统乐队里意想不到的乐声。




汉字春风<更多内容2019-02-24 21:53:39


Chief. In the Jin Dynasty, the lower part of the chieftain is “unitary”, and the “unitary” is like a wine altar. There are two points on the altar. These are the two reeds which are inserted into the wine jar; they are hollow, so they can be used for drinking.


Ancient tribal leaders were responsible for the reception of tribal guests. The chief first invited the guest to drink, and two drinking Reed pipes were inserted into the wine jar, where the host and the guest each had a pipe to drink and talk about business. Chief: chief.


“the ceremony has a great chieftain, and the wine officer is also in charge.” In ancient times, people who were engaged in wine-related work were also called “chiefdoms.” Therefore, tribal leaders are also called “chiefs”.


A small or junior leader of a primitive society, such as a clan, tribe, or village, also known as a sheikh. The leaders of a group, organization, or organization are: the chief of the bandit, the chief of the thief, the chief of the enemy, the chief of the tribe, and the chief of the tribe.


The words made up of the chieftain are: chief, bandit chieftain, thief chieftain, enemy chieftain, chieftain canal, chieftain, etc.

尊:酋+寸(手)。Respect: chief inch (hand).尊”,甲骨文字形,象双手捧着酒坛子(酉)请人喝酒,这当然是一种高级礼仪,是表示对人家的尊重和敬意的。因此,尊”字本义有尊敬、尊重等含义。

“respect”, oracle-shaped, like holding a wine jar in both hands, is, of course, a high etiquette, a sign of respect and respect. Therefore, the original meaning of the word “respect” has the meaning of respect, respect and so on.



In addition, there is a wine jar above the character, the wine jar under the scaffold, also like wine utensils.

Article: “respect, the wine is also.” After the Han Dynasty Zhang Heng Biography: “Zhang Heng made the seismograph, the shape of the wine Zun.”


The phrases composed of respect are: elders, inferiority, honor, dignity, respect, self-esteem, respect, honor, father, surname, driving, honor, national dignity, honor, etc.

follow:尊 respect+辶(走)walk遵字本义是尊贵者、尊敬者走路。当然尊贵者的部下应该遵从、顺从尊敬者、尊贵者,并跟随他们前进。

To follow the original meaning of the word is the noble, the respected walk. Of course, the subordinates of the noble should obey, obey the honorable, and follow them.


The phrases composed of obeying, etc.

powerful:酋chief of a tribe+辶walk遒字本义是酋长走路。酋长一般是在种族中身体最强壮者,因此,酋长走路是很有精神的。另外,酋长后面还有跟随者,更加增加了其威风。

The word “Dubai” is the chief walking. Sheikhs are generally the strongest of all races, so the chief walks with great vigour. In addition, the sheikhs were followed by followers, adding to their prestige.


In the animal world, anyone who can lead a beast (such as Monkey King, Lion King, Wolf King, etc.) is also strong and wise.


The words “Qiu Jin”, “Qiu Jian”, “Qiu Mei” (handsome and beautiful), etc.

醜(丑)Ugly:酉Unitary “like a wine altar+鬼spirit指人的形象不好,像酒坛子(酉),又像鬼一样的难看,那当然是奇丑无比了。

The image of a person is not good, like a wine jar (unitary), and as ugly as ghosts, of course, it is very ugly.


Ugly words consist of: clown, ugly, scandal, ugly, clown, etc.

醉:be addicted to:酉[医]the tenth of the twelve Earthly Branches+卒soldier


Shuo Wen >: “pawn, the scribe for the matter for the pawn.” Pawns, clothes have the title to know “.


Generally speaking, as a “pawn” who is a servant, he does hard work and rarely has a chance to drink in the course of a year. So once he gets a drink, he is easily drunk and drowsy. A drunken man goes to rest.


The words are: drunk, drunk boxing, drunk, intoxicated, drunk dates, drunk shrimp, Liquor-Soaked Crabs and so on.
